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Construction Projects: Study Explanations of Success

Daftar Isi [Lihat]

In any evaluation, there must be some specific standards whether the results of the performance of a project are in accordance with the initial objectives or not. For that, we will provide a complete explanation with the title

Construction Projects Study Explanations of Success

Construction Project: Study Explanation About Success

Construction projects do have their own preoccupations in handling, due to the many elements that must be met, starting from the location of the project, the standard of use of materials, permits, and so on. For that, we will explain little by little so that dear readers understand about Study About Success in a project.

Understanding Project

According to the KBBI, the word project is defined as a work plan with specific targets and with a firm completion time. In general, a project is defined as a series of activities that combine various resources for a job that has a specific target with a predetermined time from the start.

Project Example

The form of the project itself varies, such as irrigation projects, power generation projects, and so on. In Indonesia, there are many projects that have been and will be carried out.

Starting from the construction of toll roads to the Mandalika circuit, from Sabang to Merauke. As long as there is still development being carried out wherever it is located, whether it is from the government, private sector, or the community, there is still the word project in it, because projects develop in line with developments in human life and technological advances.

Understanding of Construction

According to Wikipedia, construction is an activity to build facilities and infrastructure in all areas of development. In civil engineering, the term construction is also defined as a building.

In short, the meaning of construction is something related to development activities, both small and large.

Example of Construction

Actually, if there is a building design and the model can already be said to be a construction. However, there are several things that need to be underlined about the types of construction categories that we can find around us, namely

Building Construction

Building construction is building construction that has been planned for human use, for example, stadiums, cinemas, city parks, schools, office buildings, and so on.

Industrial Construction

Industrial construction means construction in the form of a factory or building that produces a product such as a copper factory, a motorcycle factory, a car factory, and others related to the industry.

Engineering Construction

Engineering construction is defined as construction related to infrastructure such as the construction of roads, bridges, ports, and so on.

It can be concluded that construction must be closely related to a development plan whether it is physical or digital. Then what are the benefits of all these types of construction, here's an explanation:

Construction Function

The function of construction cannot be separated from the function of development that it makes, meaning that the function of construction is to support the smoothness and effectiveness of the development process of a project. The broader function is for the benefit of as many people as possible.

Due to the many and extensive functions of the structure, we will briefly summarize the other functions of the structure:

➤ As a reference for a building

➤ Provide an overview of the estimated costs to be incurred

➤ Make calculations in terms of development to be more precise in the manufacture

➤ Construction Project Success

The success of a construction project is measured using 3 indicators, namely: cost, time, and quality. However, over time these indicators increase, namely indicators of customer satisfaction, project team satisfaction, technology transfer, environment, occupational health, and safety.

Here's the full explanation

1. Make a Careful Plan

Making a mature plan is very important at the beginning of the project. Starting from the procurement of goods, negotiation time of related parties, and others.

By making a careful plan, we can control all activities, matters relating to environmental impacts or other bad possibilities can be quickly identified so that they can be quickly resolved. A mature plan can also be used as a component to determine whether a company is good or bad, investors tend to be more open to companies that have a mature plan.

2. Create Healthy Communication

A company can run well if the communication in it is healthy. Healthy communication within the company is transparent and effective in conveying information.

This can take advantage of various communication media such as photos, videos, emails, and others that are centered on one server so that they can be well controlled by the entire project community.

3. Evaluate Periodically

In order for the development of a construction project to be seen, it is necessary to have an evaluation. Must Experts can know the progress of the project if the evaluation is not carried out in stages, this can be done daily, weekly, yearly or

Another evaluation objective is to ensure that the project is completed on time, according to the targets that have been set from the start.

Thus the article about Study Success In A Project. Hope it is useful.